Updated 11/20/2023


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Specific terminology used throughout the help articles.


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Dashboard refers to your SafetyInsights app, from where you can view your analytics and visualisations.


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Sheets refer to pages on the dashboard where different visualisations and charts are brought together. For example, when you first visit your dashboard you are greeted by the "Welcome" sheet.

Selections & Filters

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A 'filter' is a tool designed to refine and concentrate your focus on specific aspects of your data by narrowing down what is displayed in your visualizations. Think of it as a smart way to zoom in on specific details, such as business names or time periods. Filters essentially provide a practical means to tailor your data views, enabling you to zero in on the specific details that are most relevant to your analysis.


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Templates refer to a specific SafetyCulture template. For more information on SafetyCulture templates, visit this link.